


Scol standard library package  0.3.1
Common and usefull functions for all Scol applications
STD_HTTP_CLIENT Struct Reference

Internal structure. You should not call it directly, use API instead ! More...

Public Member Functions

 stdcbinetdownloading (fun[STD_HTTP_CLIENT I] I)
 stdcbineterror (fun[STD_HTTP_CLIENT I] I)
 stdcbinetok (fun[STD_HTTP_CLIENT S] I)
 stdinet (INET)
 stdinetcontinue (I)
 stdinetenabled (I)
 stdinetislocal (I)
 stdinetpersistent (I)
 stdinetrunning (I)
 stdinettmpdata (S)
 stdinetverb (I)
 stdintremoveinsuccess (I)
 stdurl ([[S S S] r1])

Detailed Description

Internal structure. You should not call it directly, use API instead !

Member Function Documentation

stdurl ( [[S S S] r1]  )

urls/headers/datas to send list to process

stdinet ( INET  )

current INET object

stdinetverb ( )

verb, such as "GET", "POST", ...

stdcbinetok ( fun  I[STD_HTTP_CLIENT S])

success callback (fun [STD_HTTP_CLIENT S] I)

stdcbinetdownloading ( fun  I[STD_HTTP_CLIENT I])

callback while a partial response is received (fun [STD_HTTP_CLIENT I] I)

stdcbineterror ( fun  I[STD_HTTP_CLIENT I])

fail callback (fun [STD_HTTP_CLIENT I] I)

stdinettmpdata ( )

temporary downloading datas

stdinetenabled ( )

object is enabled (1, default) or disabled/cancelled (0)

stdinetpersistent ( )

the object must be kept at th eend of the request

stdinetrunning ( )

an operation is running

stdintremoveinsuccess ( )

the url is removed if the request finish successfully (1, default) or not (0)

stdinetcontinue ( )

all urls are processed, one by one (1, default) or not (0)

stdinetislocal ( )

don't test the distant connection, local only (yes 1); no 0 (default)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: