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iri, 12/17/2011 10:32 PM
Useful string functions¶
- Remove the last character of a string :
fun removeLastChar(s)= substr s 0 (strlen s)-1;;
- Compare the last character. Return 1 if it is the same.
fun testLastChar(s, c)= let substr s (strlen s)-1 1 -> ch in !strcmp c ch;;
- Return the position of the last occurence of a character
fun getLastPosChar(string, char)= let 0 -> i in let (strfind char string 0) + 1 -> npos in while npos != nil do ( set i = npos; set npos = (strfind char string npos) + 1; i );;
- Return the position of the last /
fun getLastPosSlash(s)= if s == nil then nil else let strlen s -> n in let n-1 -> i in ( while (i >=0) && ((nth_char s i) != '/) do set i = i-1; i );;
- Return the position of the last .
fun getLastPosPoint(s)= if s == nil then nil else let (strlen s) - 1 -> i in ( while (i >= 0) && ((nth_char s i) != '.) do set i = i - 1; i );;
- returns whether a string has only the characters of a pattern : fun [S S] I
fun stringIsPattern(s, pattern)= let 0 -> i in let 1 -> r in ( while ((i < (strlen s)) && (r == 1)) do let strfind substr s i 1 pattern 0 -> p in if p == nil then set r = 0 else set i = i+1; r );;
Author : iri
Date : december 2011
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Updated by iri about 13 years ago · 1 revisions