


Scol standard library package  0.3.1
Common and usefull functions for all Scol applications
grid.pkg File Reference

New Grid widget API. More...


struct  Grid
 Opaque internal structure. You should not call it directly, use API instead ! More...
struct  GridCell
struct  GridCellDrag


typedef struct mkGrid Grid
typedef struct mkGridCell GridCell
typedef struct mkGridCellDrag GridCellDrag


 _CRgridCreate (chn, iLines, iCols, iWidthCell, iHeightCell, iSpacing)
 Create an empty Grid object.
 _EXCHANGEgridCell (grid, iLineSrc, iColSrc, iLineDest, iColDest, iKeepCurSize)
 Exchange two cells.
 _GETgridCell (grid, iLine, iCol)
 Get the window object cell.
 _GETgridCellInitPos (grid, iLine, iCol)
 Return the initial positions of a cell.
 _GETgridCellPos (grid, iLine, iCol)
 Return the current positions of a cell.
 _MOVEgrid (grid, iPosX, iPosY)
 Move the grid.
 _MOVEgridCell (grid, iLine, iCol, iPosX, iPosY)
 Move a cell in a grid.
 _REMOVEgridCell (grid, iLine, iCol)
 Remove a cell from a grid.
 _RESETgridCell (grid, iLine, iCol)
 Reset the position and the size of a cell.
 _SETgridCellDragDrop (grid, iLine, iCol, iState, iMouse)
 Activate or Deacticate the drag & drop in a given cell.
 _SETgridCellFlag (grid, iLine, iCol, iFlags)
 Set the flags for a cell.
 _SETgridCellFlagForce (grid, iLine, iCol, iFlags)
 Force the flags for a cell.
 _SETgridFlag (grid, iFlags)
 Set the flags of cell when they created.
 _SETgridParent (grid, oParent)
 Set the current parent window.
 _SIZEgrid (grid, iWidthCell, iHeightCell)
 Resize a grid.
 _SIZEgridCell (grid, iLine, iCol, iWidth, iHeight)
 Resize a window cell in a grid.
 grid_cellFlag (grid, flags)
 grid_cellGetWin (grid, l, c)
 grid_cellSetFlags (grid, l, c, flags)
 grid_create (chn, wCell, hCell, iSpacing, iLines, iCols)
 grid_getCell (grid, l, c)
 grid_init (nL, nC)
 grid_initLine (nC)
 grid_move (grid, x, y)
 grid_moveCell (grid, l, c, x, y)
 grid_removeCell (grid, l, c)
 grid_setCellDragDrop (grid, l, c, state, mouse)
 grid_setparent (grid, mother)
 grid_size (grid, newCellW, newCellH)
 gridcd_init ()
 gridcell_cbClick (win, u, x, y, btn)
 gridcell_cbUnclick (win, u, x, y, btn)
 gridcell_checkDragMouse (mouse, dragmouse)
 gridcell_create (grid, nline, ncol)
 gridcell_exchange (grid, l1, c1, l2, c2, keepCurSize)
 gridcell_getInitPos (grid, l, c)
 gridcell_getPos (grid, l, c)
 gridcell_getStructure (grid, l, c)
 gridcell_init (l, c, x1, y1, x2, y2)
 gridcell_move (grid, l, c, dx, dy)
 gridcell_reset (grid, l, c)
 gridcell_setCB (grid, cell)
 gridcell_size (grid, l, c, w, h)


proto grid_initLine = fun [I] tab GridCell
proto gridcell_create = fun [Grid I I] ObjWin
typeof gridCellDrag = GridCellDrag

Detailed Description

New Grid widget API.

Scol team