Functions |
| _CRgridCreate (chn, iLines, iCols, iWidthCell, iHeightCell, iSpacing) |
| Create an empty Grid object.
| _EXCHANGEgridCell (grid, iLineSrc, iColSrc, iLineDest, iColDest, iKeepCurSize) |
| Exchange two cells.
| _GETgridCell (grid, iLine, iCol) |
| Get the window object cell.
| _GETgridCellInitPos (grid, iLine, iCol) |
| Return the initial positions of a cell.
| _GETgridCellPos (grid, iLine, iCol) |
| Return the current positions of a cell.
| _MOVEgrid (grid, iPosX, iPosY) |
| Move the grid.
| _MOVEgridCell (grid, iLine, iCol, iPosX, iPosY) |
| Move a cell in a grid.
| _REMOVEgridCell (grid, iLine, iCol) |
| Remove a cell from a grid.
| _RESETgridCell (grid, iLine, iCol) |
| Reset the position and the size of a cell.
| _SETgridCellDragDrop (grid, iLine, iCol, iState, iMouse) |
| Activate or Deacticate the drag & drop in a given cell.
| _SETgridCellFlag (grid, iLine, iCol, iFlags) |
| Set the flags for a cell.
| _SETgridCellFlagForce (grid, iLine, iCol, iFlags) |
| Force the flags for a cell.
| _SETgridFlag (grid, iFlags) |
| Set the flags of cell when they created.
| _SETgridParent (grid, oParent) |
| Set the current parent window.
| _SIZEgrid (grid, iWidthCell, iHeightCell) |
| Resize a grid.
| _SIZEgridCell (grid, iLine, iCol, iWidth, iHeight) |
| Resize a window cell in a grid.
| grid_cellFlag (grid, flags) |
| grid_cellGetWin (grid, l, c) |
| grid_cellSetFlags (grid, l, c, flags) |
| grid_create (chn, wCell, hCell, iSpacing, iLines, iCols) |
| grid_getCell (grid, l, c) |
| grid_init (nL, nC) |
| grid_initLine (nC) |
| grid_move (grid, x, y) |
| grid_moveCell (grid, l, c, x, y) |
| grid_removeCell (grid, l, c) |
| grid_setCellDragDrop (grid, l, c, state, mouse) |
| grid_setparent (grid, mother) |
| grid_size (grid, newCellW, newCellH) |
| gridcd_init () |
| gridcell_cbClick (win, u, x, y, btn) |
| gridcell_cbUnclick (win, u, x, y, btn) |
| gridcell_checkDragMouse (mouse, dragmouse) |
| gridcell_create (grid, nline, ncol) |
| gridcell_exchange (grid, l1, c1, l2, c2, keepCurSize) |
| gridcell_getInitPos (grid, l, c) |
| gridcell_getPos (grid, l, c) |
| gridcell_getStructure (grid, l, c) |
| gridcell_init (l, c, x1, y1, x2, y2) |
| gridcell_move (grid, l, c, dx, dy) |
| gridcell_reset (grid, l, c) |
| gridcell_setCB (grid, cell) |
| gridcell_size (grid, l, c, w, h) |