Have a list of supported pix formats¶
The easier method :¶
fun main ()=
_fooSList _gtkPixFormats;
The console could display :
_gtkPixFormats returns a simple list of all supported formats by ObjGtkPix on the current system.
The full method :¶
Here, _gtkPixFormatsFull returns a list of tuples with several informations to all supported formats by ObjGtkPix on the current system.
fun displayList2 (list, prefixe)=
if list == nil then
_fooS strcat a hd list;
displayList2 tl list prefixe
fun displayList (list)=
if list == nil then
let hd list -> [name mimes ext desc lic disabled] in
_fooS strcat "name = " name;
displayList2 mimes "mimes = ";
displayList2 ext "extensions = ";
_fooS strcat "description = " desc;
_fooS strcat "license = " lic;
_fooS strcat "disabled = " itoa disabled;
_fooS "****";
displayList tl list;
fun main ()=
displayList _gtkPixFormatsFull;
The console could display ... :
name = tiff mimes = image/tiff extensions = tiff extensions = tif description = The TIFF image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = jpeg mimes = image/jpeg extensions = jpeg extensions = jpe extensions = jpg description = The JPEG image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = gif mimes = image/gif extensions = gif description = The GIF image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = bmp mimes = image/bmp mimes = image/x-bmp mimes = image/x-MS-bmp extensions = bmp description = The BMP image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = emf mimes = application/emf mimes = application/x-emf mimes = image/x-emf mimes = image/x-mgx-emf extensions = emf description = The EMF image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = wmf mimes = image/x-wmf extensions = wmf extensions = apm description = The WMF image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = ico mimes = image/x-icon mimes = image/x-ico extensions = ico extensions = cur description = The ICO image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = qtif mimes = image/x-quicktime mimes = image/qtif extensions = qtif extensions = qif description = The QTIF image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = icns mimes = image/x-icns extensions = icns description = The ICNS image format license = GPL disabled = 0 **** name = pcx mimes = image/x-pcx extensions = pcx description = The PCX image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = tga mimes = image/x-tga extensions = tga extensions = targa description = The Targa image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = xbm mimes = image/x-xbitmap extensions = xbm description = The XBM image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = xpm mimes = image/x-xpixmap extensions = xpm description = The XPM image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = ras mimes = image/x-cmu-raster mimes = image/x-sun-raster extensions = ras description = The Sun raster image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = pnm mimes = image/x-portable-anymap mimes = image/x-portable-bitmap mimes = image/x-portable-graymap mimes = image/x-portable-pixmap extensions = pnm extensions = pbm extensions = pgm extensions = ppm description = The PNM/PBM/PGM/PPM image format family license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = wbmp mimes = image/vnd.wap.wbmp extensions = wbmp description = The WBMP image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = png mimes = image/png extensions = png description = The PNG image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 **** name = ani mimes = application/x-navi-animation extensions = ani description = The ANI image format license = LGPL disabled = 0 ****
Return Examples
Updated by iri almost 14 years ago ยท 2 revisions