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iri, 09/25/2012 01:07 AM
How to localize a program in Scol ?¶
Allow the translation of your application is often a good thing. Several ways exist, we will see one.
For an given application, we have a subdirectory with all language files :
In a file language, we put a reference and its translation for each line :
REFERENCE_1 word_translated REFERENCE_2 string translated REFERENCE_3 substring_1 ## substring_2 ## substring_3 ...
Each ## will be replaced by a provided parameter, if needed
Next, go to locked/lib directory et open loc.pkg in your favorite text editor.
- startloc is the function to load the language file for a given user.
- loc is the function for a simple translation.
- strloc loc are the functions for a translation with parameters
Example :¶
The package¶
First, we create our application "mylocapp". The file is named "mylocapp.pkg" in the "tutorials" directory :
fun main ()= _showconsole; /* load the language file to the given user startloc defines automatically the user language. If no translation exist, english version will be used. */ startloc "tutorials/lang/mylocapp"; /* loc returns the content from a key, without parameter strloc loc returns the content from a key with parameters. Parameters are in a list, '##' will be replaced by them, in the same order */ _fooS loc "WELCOME"; _fooS strloc loc "HELLO" (_getress "DefaultName") :: nil; let localtime time -> [_ mn h _ _ _ _ _] in _fooS strloc loc "DATE" (itoa h) :: (itoa mn) :: nil; _fooS loc "BYE"; 0;;
Next, we create our files languages. For example, in english and in french
In english¶
The file is "mylocapp.english.lang", in "tutorials/lang/". Each '##' will be replaced by the provided parameters in the source code.
BYE Good bye ! DATE It is ## hours and ## minutes HELLO Hi ## ! WELCOME Welcome on my application
In french¶
The file is "mylocapp.french.lang", in "tutorials/lang/".
BYE Au-revoir ! DATE Il est ## heures and ## minutes HELLO Salut ## ! WELCOME Bienvenu sur mon application
The script¶
Finally, we write the launcher :
_load "locked/lib/loc.pkg" _load "tutorials/mylocapp.pkg" main
Note that add the loc.pkg at first !
Save all and launch the .scol.
This application is readable from the repository
License : CC-BY-SA-2.0
Tutorial by iri
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Updated by iri over 12 years ago · 2 revisions