SO3::SWindow Member List
This is the complete list of members for SO3::SWindow, including all inherited members.
AddViewport(SViewPort *existingViewport) | SO3::SWindow | protected |
CheckVideoMode(const int width, const int height) | SO3::SWindow | |
CleanViewports() | SO3::SWindow | |
CreateViewport(SCamera *camera, int priority, const float &x, const float &y, const float &w, const float &h) | SO3::SWindow | |
DeleteViewport(SViewPort *existingViewport) | SO3::SWindow | |
GetAverageFPS() const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetBatchCount() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetBestFPS() const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetBestFrameTime() const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetFSAA() const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetFullScreen() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetHeight() const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetLastRayCast() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetLeft() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetName() const | SO3::SData | |
GetOgreRenderWindowPointer() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetParentRoot() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetScreenPos() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetSelectorMode() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetSizeDirty() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetStereoCustomProjectonMatrix(bool &enabled, Ogre::Matrix4 &leftMatrix, Ogre::Matrix4 &rightMatrix) const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetStereoEyesSpacing() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetStereoMode() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetStereoRotateView() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetStereoTextures() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetStereoViewportSize() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetTop() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetTriangleCount() | SO3::SWindow | |
GetUserObjectBindings() | SO3::SData | |
GetUserObjectBindings() const | SO3::SData | |
GetViewport(const int &priority) const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetViewport(const int &x, const int &y) | SO3::SWindow | |
GetViewportList() const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetWidth() const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetWindowHandle() const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetWorstFPS() const | SO3::SWindow | |
GetWorstFrameTime() const | SO3::SWindow | |
IndRayCast(const int &pixelsX, const int &pixelsY) | SO3::SWindow | |
InvalidateRayCast() | SO3::SWindow | |
IsStereoViewportRegistered(SViewPort *viewport) | SO3::SWindow | |
name | SO3::SData | protected |
PauseWindow() | SO3::SWindow | |
postRenderTargetUpdate(const Ogre::RenderTargetEvent &evt) | SO3::SWindow | protectedvirtual |
preRenderTargetUpdate(const Ogre::RenderTargetEvent &evt) | SO3::SWindow | protectedvirtual |
RayCast(const int &pixelsX, const int &pixelsY) | SO3::SWindow | |
RefreshSelector(const bool &forceRefresh=false) | SO3::SWindow | |
RegisterStereoViewport(SViewPort *viewport) | SO3::SWindow | |
RemoveViewport(SViewPort *existingViewport) | SO3::SWindow | protected |
RestoreStereoCamera(SViewPort *viewport) | SO3::SWindow | |
ResumeWindow() | SO3::SWindow | |
SData(const std::string &dataName) | SO3::SData | |
SelectorMode enum name | SO3::SWindow | |
SetFullScreen(const bool &fullscreen, const int &width=0, const int &height=0) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetSelectorEnable(const bool &state) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetSelectorMode(SelectorMode mode) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetSizeDirty() | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoAspectRatio(const float &ratio) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoChromaticAbCorrection(bool enable, Ogre::Vector4 chromAbC) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoCustomProjectonMatrix(bool enable, const Ogre::Matrix4 &leftMatrix, const Ogre::Matrix4 &rightMatrix) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoDistortion(bool enable, Ogre::Vector4 dist) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoEyesSpacing(const float &eyesSpacing) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoFOVy(const float &fov) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoMeshLeft(std::vector< Ogre::Vector3 > vertices, std::vector< std::vector< Ogre::Vector2 > > uvs, std::vector< Ogre::Real > vignetteColor, std::vector< Ogre::Real > warp, std::vector< int > indexs) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoMeshRight(std::vector< Ogre::Vector3 > vertices, std::vector< std::vector< Ogre::Vector2 > > uvs, std::vector< Ogre::Real > vignetteColor, std::vector< Ogre::Real > warp, std::vector< int > indexs) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoMeshRttSize(SO3::SPoint< int > leftsize, SO3::SPoint< int > rightsize) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoMeshUVConfig(Ogre::Vector2 leftuvscale, Ogre::Vector2 leftuvoffset, Ogre::Vector2 rightuvscale, Ogre::Vector2 rightuvoffset) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoMode(const StereoManager::StereoMode &stereoMode) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoProjectionOffset(const float &offset) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoRotateView(const bool state) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoTimeWarpMatrix(const Ogre::Matrix4 &leftStartMatrix, const Ogre::Matrix4 &leftEndMatrix, const Ogre::Matrix4 &rightStartMatrix, const Ogre::Matrix4 &rightEndMatrix) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetStereoWindow(SO3::SPoint< int > pos, SO3::SPoint< int > size, int index, bool state) | SO3::SWindow | |
SetWindowHandle(ScolWindowHandle win) | SO3::SWindow | |
Size(const int &x, const int &y, const int &w, const int &h, const int &ext) | SO3::SWindow | |
SO3_SELECTOR_FAST enum value | SO3::SWindow | |
SO3_SELECTOR_LIMITED enum value | SO3::SWindow | |
SO3_SELECTOR_PRECISE enum value | SO3::SWindow | |
SWindow(SRoot *parent, const ScolWindowHandle &windowHandle, const std::string &windowName, const int &width, const int &height, const std::string &fsaa) | SO3::SWindow | |
SynchStereoViewportSetup(SViewPort *viewport, bool overlay=false, bool shadow=false) | SO3::SWindow | |
ToPixelPos(int &px, int &py) | SO3::SWindow | |
UnregisterStereoViewport(SViewPort *viewport) | SO3::SWindow | |
Update() | SO3::SWindow | |
UpdateScreenPos() | SO3::SWindow | |
UpdateStereoCamera(SViewPort *viewport, Ogre::Camera *camera) | SO3::SWindow | |
UpdateStereoCameraMatrix(SViewPort *viewport, Ogre::Camera *camera) | SO3::SWindow | |
UpdateStereoCompositorState(SViewPort *viewport, const Ogre::String compname, bool state) | SO3::SWindow | |
windowClosed(Ogre::RenderWindow *rw) | SO3::SWindow | |
windowFocusChange(Ogre::RenderWindow *rw) | SO3::SWindow | |
windowMoved(Ogre::RenderWindow *rw) | SO3::SWindow | |
WindowMovedOrResized() | SO3::SWindow | |
windowResized(Ogre::RenderWindow *rw) | SO3::SWindow | |
WriteContentsToFile(const std::string &path) | SO3::SWindow | |
~SData() | SO3::SData | virtual |
~SWindow() | SO3::SWindow |
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