SO3::SLight Member List
This is the complete list of members for SO3::SLight, including all inherited members.
AddAnimation(SAnim *existingAnimation) | SO3::SNode | protected |
AddOrientation(const Ogre::Quaternion &quat) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
animationCounter | SO3::SNode | protected |
AttachToParent(SNode *newParentNode) | SO3::SNode | |
BONE_TYPE_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
CAMERA_TYPE_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
CreateBoxBody(const Ogre::Vector3 &boxsetting) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateBoxBody(const Ogre::Vector3 &boxsetting, const Ogre::Vector3 &offset, const Ogre::Quaternion &quat) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateCapsuleBody(const Ogre::Real &radius, const Ogre::Real &height) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateCapsuleBody(const Ogre::Real &radius, const Ogre::Real &height, const Ogre::Vector3 &offset, const Ogre::Quaternion &quat) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateChamferCylinderBody(const Ogre::Real &radius, const Ogre::Real &height) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateChamferCylinderBody(const Ogre::Real &radius, const Ogre::Real &height, const Ogre::Vector3 &offset, const Ogre::Quaternion &quat) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateConcaveHullBody(const Ogre::Real &tolerance) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateConeBody(const Ogre::Real &radius, const Ogre::Real &height) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateConeBody(const Ogre::Real &radius, const Ogre::Real &height, const Ogre::Vector3 &offset, const Ogre::Quaternion &quat) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateConvexHullBody(const Ogre::Real &tolerance) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateCylinderBody(const Ogre::Real &radius, const Ogre::Real &height) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateCylinderBody(const Ogre::Real &radius, const Ogre::Real &height, const Ogre::Vector3 &offset, const Ogre::Quaternion &quat) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateEllipsoidBody(const Ogre::Vector3 &size) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateEllipsoidBody(const Ogre::Vector3 &size, const Ogre::Vector3 &offset, const Ogre::Quaternion &quat) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateNodeAnimation(const std::string &animationName, const float &animationLength) | SO3::SNode | |
CreatePyramidBody(const Ogre::Vector3 &size) | SO3::SNode | |
CreatePyramidBody(const Ogre::Vector3 &size, const Ogre::Vector3 &offset, const Ogre::Quaternion &quat) | SO3::SNode | |
CreateTreeBody(const bool &optimize) | SO3::SNode | |
currentScene | SO3::SNode | protected |
DeleteAnimation(SAnim *existingAnimation) | SO3::SNode | |
DeleteBody() | SO3::SNode | |
DetachAllChildren() | SO3::SNode | |
DetachFromParent() | SO3::SNode | |
DisableAutoTarget() | SO3::SNode | |
DYNAMIC_CUBE_MAP_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
DYNAMIC_REFLECTION_MAP_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
ENTITY_TYPE_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
GetAnimation(const std::string &animationName) | SO3::SNode | |
GetAnimation(const unsigned short &animationIndex) | SO3::SNode | |
GetAnimations() const | SO3::SNode | |
GetAsStaticGeometry() | SO3::SNode | |
GetAttenuation() | SO3::SLight | |
GetAutoTrackingTarget() | SO3::SNode | |
GetBoundingBoxCenter(const bool &childs=false) | SO3::SLight | virtual |
GetBoundingBoxSize(const bool &childs=false) | SO3::SLight | virtual |
GetCastShadows() | SO3::SLight | virtual |
GetChildrenNodes() const | SO3::SNode | |
GetDiffuseColour() | SO3::SLight | |
GetDirection(bool derived=false, Ogre::Vector3 axis=Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) | SO3::SNode | |
GetFlags() | SO3::SNode | |
GetGlobalOrientation() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetGlobalPosition() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetGlobalScale() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetInheritOrientation() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetInitialOrientation() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetInitialPosition() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetInitialScale() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetMovableObjectPointer() | SO3::SNode | |
GetName() const | SO3::SData | |
GetNodeType() | SO3::SNode | |
GetNumAnimations() | SO3::SNode | |
GetNumChildren() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetOgreLightPointer() | SO3::SLight | |
GetOgreSceneNodePointer() | SO3::SNode | |
GetOrientation() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetOrientationFromNode(SNode *nodeRef) | SO3::SNode | |
GetParentScene() | SO3::SNode | |
GetParentSceneNode() | SO3::SNode | |
GetPhysicsOverride() | SO3::SNode | |
GetPosition() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetPositionFromNode(SNode *nodeRef) | SO3::SNode | |
GetPowerScale() | SO3::SLight | |
GetRenderingDistance() | SO3::SLight | virtual |
GetScale() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetScaleFromNode(SNode *nodeRef) | SO3::SNode | |
GetSceneNodeBody() | SO3::SNode | |
GetSceneNodeHasBody() | SO3::SNode | |
GetSceneNodeIsMouseClick() | SO3::SNode | |
GetSceneNodeIsMouseForeground() | SO3::SNode | |
GetSceneNodeMouseFlags() | SO3::SNode | |
GetShadowFarDistance() | SO3::SLight | |
GetShowBoundingBox() | SO3::SNode | |
GetSonsBoundingBox() | SO3::SNode | protected |
GetSonsWorldBoundingBox() | SO3::SNode | protected |
GetSourceSize() | SO3::SLight | |
GetSpecularColour() | SO3::SLight | |
GetSpotlightFalloff() | SO3::SLight | |
GetSpotlightInnerAngle() | SO3::SLight | |
GetSpotlightOuterAngle() | SO3::SLight | |
GetStaticGeometry() | SO3::SNode | |
GetTransformationMatrix() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
GetType() | SO3::SLight | |
GetUserObjectBindings() | SO3::SData | |
GetUserObjectBindings() const | SO3::SData | |
GetVisible() | SO3::SLight | |
GetVolumetric() | SO3::SLight | |
GetWorldBoundingBoxCenter(const bool &childs=false) | SO3::SLight | virtual |
GetWorldBoundingBoxSize(const bool &childs=false) | SO3::SLight | virtual |
initialOrientation | SO3::SNode | protected |
initialPosition | SO3::SNode | protected |
initialScale | SO3::SNode | protected |
IsAnimated() | SO3::SNode | |
IsDirty() | SO3::SNode | |
LIGHT_TYPE_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
LightType enum name | SO3::SLight | |
LINE_ENTITY_TYPE_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
LookAt(const Ogre::Vector3 &targetPoint, const SNode::NodeTransformSpace &relativeTo, const Ogre::Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) | SO3::SNode | |
name | SO3::SData | protected |
NODE_TYPE_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
nodeBody | SO3::SNode | protected |
NodeTransformSpace enum name | SO3::SNode | |
NodeType enum name | SO3::SNode | |
O3SceneNode | SO3::SNode | protected |
ogreMovableObject | SO3::SNode | protected |
PARTICLE_SYSTEM_TYPE_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
Pitch(const float &radianAngle, const SNode::NodeTransformSpace &relativeTo=SNode::SO3_LOCAL_TS) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
RemoveAnimation(SAnim *existingAnimation) | SO3::SNode | protected |
RemoveAnimation(const std::string &animationName) | SO3::SNode | protected |
RENDER_TO_TEXTURE_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
ResetNode() | SO3::SNode | |
ResetOrientation() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
ResetToInitialOrientation() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
ResetToInitialPosition() | SO3::SNode | |
ResetToInitialPRS() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
ResetToInitialScale() | SO3::SNode | |
RestoreStaticGraph() | SO3::SNode | |
Roll(const float &radianAngle, const SNode::NodeTransformSpace &relativeTo=SNode::SO3_LOCAL_TS) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
Rotate(const Ogre::Vector3 &axis, const float &radianAngle, const SNode::NodeTransformSpace &relativeTo=SNode::SO3_LOCAL_TS) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
SData(const std::string &dataName) | SO3::SData | |
SetAsStaticGeometry(const bool &state) | SO3::SNode | |
SetAttenuation(const float &range, const float &constant, const float &linear, const float &quadratic) | SO3::SLight | |
SetAttenuation(const float &range) | SO3::SLight | |
SetAutoTracking(const bool &autoTrack, SNode *targetNode=0, const Ogre::Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z, const Ogre::Vector3 &offset=Ogre::Vector3::ZERO) | SO3::SNode | |
SetCastShadows(const bool &castShadows) | SO3::SLight | virtual |
SetDiffuseColour(const int &diffuseColor) | SO3::SLight | |
SetDiffuseColour(Ogre::ColourValue color) | SO3::SLight | |
SetDirection(const Ogre::Vector3 &vec, const SNode::NodeTransformSpace &relativeTo=SNode::SO3_LOCAL_TS, const Ogre::Vector3 &localDirectionVector=Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) | SO3::SNode | |
SetDirty(bool state) | SO3::SNode | |
SetFlags(const int &flags) | SO3::SNode | |
SetGlobalOrientation(const Ogre::Quaternion &quat, bool updateBody=true) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
SetGlobalPosition(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos, bool updateBody=true) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
SetGlobalScale(const Ogre::Vector3 &scale, bool updateBody=true) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
SetInheritOrientation(const bool &state) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
SetOrientation(const Ogre::Quaternion &quat) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
SetPhysicsOverride(bool state) | SO3::SNode | |
SetPosition(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
SetPowerScale(const float &powerScale) | SO3::SLight | |
SetRenderingDistance(const float &distance) | SO3::SLight | virtual |
SetScale(const Ogre::Vector3 &scale) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
SetSceneNodeIsMouseClick(const bool &mClickable) | SO3::SNode | |
SetSceneNodeIsMouseForeground(const bool &mForeground) | SO3::SNode | |
SetSceneNodeMouseFlags(const int &flags) | SO3::SNode | |
SetShadowFarDistance(const float &distance) | SO3::SLight | |
SetShowBoundingBox(const bool &showBounding) | SO3::SNode | |
SetSourceSize(float x, float y) | SO3::SLight | |
SetSpecularColour(const int &specularColor) | SO3::SLight | |
SetSpecularColour(Ogre::ColourValue color) | SO3::SLight | |
SetSpotlightFalloff(const float &value) | SO3::SLight | |
SetSpotlightInnerAngle(const float &radianAngle) | SO3::SLight | |
SetSpotlightOuterAngle(const float &radianAngle) | SO3::SLight | |
SetType(const LightType &type) | SO3::SLight | |
SetVisible(const bool &isVisible) | SO3::SLight | |
SO3::SNode::SetVisible(const bool &visible, const bool &cascade=true) | SO3::SNode | |
SetVolumetric(bool state) | SO3::SLight | |
SKELETON_TYPE_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
SLight(SScene *parent, const std::string &lightName) | SO3::SLight | |
SNode(SScene *parent, const std::string &nodeName, const bool &isRootNode=false) | SO3::SNode | |
SNode(SScene *parent, const std::string &nodeName, const NodeType &nodeType) | SO3::SNode | protected |
SO3_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT enum value | SO3::SLight | |
SO3_LOCAL_TS enum value | SO3::SNode | |
SO3_PARENT_TS enum value | SO3::SNode | |
SO3_POINT_LIGHT enum value | SO3::SLight | |
SO3_RECT_LIGHT enum value | SO3::SLight | |
SO3_SPOT_LIGHT enum value | SO3::SLight | |
SO3_WORLD_TS enum value | SO3::SNode | |
StoreInitialPRS() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
Translate(const Ogre::Vector3 &d, const SNode::NodeTransformSpace &relativeTo=SNode::SO3_PARENT_TS) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
UpdateNodeBody(const bool &bScale) | SO3::SNode | |
UpdateNodeFromBody() | SO3::SNode | |
UpdateShadowFarClipDistance(const float &distance) | SO3::SLight | |
UpdateShadowFarDistance(const float &distance) | SO3::SLight | |
VIRTUAL_POINTER_TYPE_ID enum value | SO3::SNode | |
Yaw(const float &radianAngle, const SNode::NodeTransformSpace &relativeTo=SNode::SO3_LOCAL_TS) | SO3::SNode | virtual |
~SData() | SO3::SData | virtual |
~SLight() | SO3::SLight | |
~SNode() | SO3::SNode | virtual |
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